How is Your Mental Health Condition?
You can become aware of your mental health and the factors contributing to your stress and by checking in on your mental state. Given the fact that more people nowadays care about their physical health, namely undergoing regular medical check-ups for maintaining physical health, why don’t we pay similar attention on our mental health? Mental health check-ins can help you acquaint yourself with your psychological and social characteristics. Let’s take action now!
* 1. 在很多方面,我的生活都接近理想。
* 2. 我的生活狀況在各方面很好。
* 3. 我對生活感到滿意。
* 4. 現在我己得到了生命中最重要的東西。
* 5. 如果可以再活一次,我希望保持今世的生活不變。