Stress is highly associated with our mental health. According to psychology's explanation, stress is an emotional feeling evoked when there is additional demand from external environment or from oneself, urging individuals to adapt or change.
What causes stress in the workplace and families?
Work-related stressors include but do not limit to:

● Irregular or long working hours, or work shift

● Work demands that do not match with one's knowledge and abilities

● Lack of support from bosses and colleagues

● Lack of autonomy

● Working environment

Family-related stressors include but do not limit to:

● Conflicts between family life and work

● Issues with preparing family reunion activities

● Financial problems

● Issues with children(e.g., conflicts with children or arguing between couples about parenting styles)

Is all kind of stress negative?
We often view stress as something undesirable and negative. Yet, "stress" itself is rather neutral, it could motivate us to reach our goals, but could also slow us down in completing tasks.
It is a double-edged sword. When we cope with stress in a right manner, stress might not hurt as we thought.
Imagine, what might be the reasons that a child feels stress-less when he/she learns?
Perhaps this child is an elite learner; he/she is capable of grasping all new materials fast and thus finds no improvement needed in his/her learning. It is also possible that this child has neither interest nor goal in his /her learning, thus he/she does not feel stressful at all.
According to research, relationship between stress and performance is as below:

Therefore, adequate amount of stress could boost our performance, assisting us to reach our optimal performance; while too low or too high level of stress may hinder our productivity at work.
Stress response is a negative emotion. It is a psychological response that we experience when we encounter threats and feel that we do not have the biological, emotional or psychological resources to deal with the situation.
These responses can be categorized into four aspects:
Bodily signals:
headache, increased heart rate, sweating, problems in digestive system, sleep disturbance, increase or decrease in weight…….
Cognitive signals:

confused thoughts, guilt, impaired concentration and judgment……

Emotional signals:
nxiety, irritability, mood swing …….
Behavioural signals:

Arguments with others, increased or decreased appetite, impulsiveness

Stress is inevitable in life, like so, pursuing a life without stress is unrealistic and shall not be something that we aim for.
It is not about whether we experience stress, but how we cope with stress.